27 years - Guadalajara, Jalisco
Living in Los Cabos
Rodrigo Azanza, also known as "Rodman - " for his artistic project, is passionate about the arts and outdoor sports. His profile as a visual artist and muralist is perfectly complemented by the sports he is passionate about: surfing, mountain biking and skateboarding.

One of the reasons why Rodrigo has focused so much on art and outdoor sports is because exploring the limits of his body is a topic that draws his attention. Sports allow you to know your physical limits and your work as an artist allows you to keep moving.
What he enjoys most is being able to capture the beauty of nature with which he interacts all the time he practices these sports.

Although it seems that his Industrial Engineering degree may not relate as much to what he currently does, it definitely helps him manage and design projects that have to do with his art company.
"I find Gud Life in building my dreams nail by nail. Piece by piece. With patience, heart and humility. Sometimes with help, sometimes on my own; trusting in the flow of nature"